This will be a short two-minute rant that will make little sense. I've been thinking a lot lately about the type of comments I leave on Xanga now compared to what I used to leave. I used to leave long, thoughtful comments, and often would intentionally challenge the blogger. Now I leave short, encouraging, rather bland comments. Is that bad?
When I first started out, my readers and I were on an intellectual journey. I deliberately sought out the most thoughtful Christians I knew and tried to learn from them and challenge them. I lost a few friendships because I challenged once too often. That was sad.
Then around 2008, I changed my style and started seeing Xanga more as a transition point--a combination between halfway house and confessional. I decided to try to stop giving advice as much and focus more on encouragement, compliments, and reassurance. I felt it was the best thing I could do with my few words, given what people were willing to hear and what they needed.
I think I'm happier with the new style in some ways. There are a lot of dear people who are undergoing temporary struggles right now. I fully believe that they will be better off in a year or two, and in the meantime I do my small part in keeping their heads up. However, the negative side is that playing doctor means you don't see your patient much after they are well.
I still have my critical thoughts and moments. But for the most part, I find that my criticism are better off kept to myself. It really is easier to live this a point. Oh, my obnoxious middle-school self would tell you I've sold out; softened up to keep more friends. But I have to think that this is actually more mature than the old way. Right?
I always seem to return to deciding about truth vs. love in my friendships and romances. Head vs. heart. What is right vs. what feels good, although that oversimplification ignores that what is right one moment can be wrong the next, and our instincts are to be trusted more than our reason at times. But I somehow think that it is a debate worth having: that a head-driven man grows cold and distant, and a heart-driven man is weak and often falls for traps and scams at risk to his health. It's a tricky balance.
Hmm. Just some ranting.
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