I recently embarked on a trip to Texas for business. (I work for NOYB--google it for more details. Guffaw.) While there I had a very nice dinner with Ravnr that made me put my guard down when it came to the locals. How can I be suspicious after a pleasant Italian dinner like this one? Look at our well-fed smiles of cheeriness!
Sadly, my youthful naivete soon would be tested beyond the bounds of reason. I later went out to meet Quell, who promised me a fun night of Scrabble, but hinted that the game is taken VERY seriously in Texas. I still went to meet her, because she looks Greek. She first convinced me that in Texas, people greet one another by waving both hands. "When in Rome" and so I quickly complied:
I should have known something was up by her black outfit and dour demeanor. But like an idiot, I kept babbling about how Texas seems a lot friendlier than I expected and generally behaved like a tourist. Then, I did it...I started making fun of Scrabble and asking why we were playing such a childish game rather than having grown-up fun. The mood quickly changed. NEVER mock a Scrabble professional.
Suddenly the wind picked up, and a howling sound filled the room. "GREEK, APOLOGIZE OR I WILL EAT YOUR SOUL" Quell snarled. I suddenly felt my face began to melt. In horror, I felt my internal organs start to shake and swirl. I felt like I had seconds to live as this wraith moved towards me threateningly:
I quickly gurgled for mercy, and we began to play. As punishment for my insolence, I was forced to keep a sign on my forehead at all times. I bore it stoically, realizing that Quell had power to do much, much worse. Besides, she said something about cupcakes if I behaved.
Finally, the game was over. I lost to a cocky young gentleman, yet managed to keep some honor. That one big word is mine. Which one? Um...err...I forget.
Chastened and humbled, I fled Texas with neither a cowboy hat on my head nor boots on my feet. "Don't Mess with Texas" is no joke. And I never got any cupcakes either. But I did get to meet two wonderful Xanga friends in person, and at least my soul is still housed inside my body (pats heart)...Hey, wait a minute...why do I have this scar on my chest? HEY!
EDIT: Forgive me, for I have timestamped. Original post went up after midnight yesterday, so I...updated it. I am a sell-out (bows head guiltily).
Playing Scrabble for My Soul (PHOTOS)
Xanga Meetup Album
So, for those who care, I put up some photos of my xanga meet-ups since 2006? or so. I traveled a lot for work/vacation, and I met Xangans nearly everywhere I went.
The album is Here (EDIT: FIXED LINK), but it only contains the ones where I remembered to take a photo (duh). I want to say, I liked everyone I met. No one has disappointed me yet--not one! That's a tribute to how honest you all were, and how kind and thoughtful.
I wish you all lived closer to me!
I didn't put names with the pictures. I'm a little cautious that way. If the person in the photo would like to ID themselves, they may in the comments, of course.
OK, enough mushiness, haha. Just a few common-sense reminders, as always, because I'm a cautionary grouchy-pants and would hate for someone to get hurt:
(1) ALWAYS tell someone else where you're going on a meet-up and what time you'll be back. Let the person you're meeting know "I just texted so-and-so about our meeting" so she/he knows that other people know.
(2) ALWAYS meet in a public place if possible, and try to have your own transportation to/from the place.
(3) Do NOT give out name/#/FB/other info unless the other person is trustworthy and/or will give their info first. This one especially applies to the ladies--be careful about giving out your personal info too quickly. You may just ask the guy for his # and not give yours, for example. I feel it's the guy's duty to give info, just because of how our society is.
(4) Do NOT go if it doesn't feel right. Cancel. Make an excuse.
(5) Do NOT meet people that are not "well-respected." If the person only comments on your blog, and you never see them talk to other people or have other people write back, I would be VERY suspicious.
(6) If you're not sure, WAIT. Be suspicious of someone who pushes too hard for a meeting, or says "I'll never ever come this way again." Talk to a person as much as possible before meeting, so you can make sure the person will be fun to meet.
The End. Merry Christmas! -
Beware of Airplane Man!
So I got to meet a Xangan the other day, which was lots of fun. I wasn't going to post the photo, as I think I've bored everyone to death by now with Xanga meet-up stories. But then, when I took a closer look at the photo, I realized I must warn Xanga before it's too late! What looks to be just another casual photo...
contains a rare photo of the little-known "airplane man" roaming in his natural habitat! No hotel lobby is safe!
Thankfully I escaped before he fully transformed into his superhero alter-ego, but it was close! And I haven't seen my Xanga friend sinceWatch your back, America!
Miscellaneous photos and jokes
When I was at the mall, I went to a FYE store that was having a huge sale. They had pushed around a lot of the items to make space, thus leading to this unfortunate juxtaposition of material:
"R-rated horror and sex films--it's for the children!" Um, no.
So I was at Wal-mart, and they had Iphones to play with. I started checking out Xanga, and my brother took the opportunity to (1) take a picture of me doing so using the other Iphone on display and (2) e-mail it to me and the rest of the family. Busted! And yes, for those wondering, those are indeed white hairs. I had visible white hair by the time I was 18. Not ashamed of it, it is what it is.
Last Xangan I met in 2008. She brought baked goods AND gifts--take notes! ha. Although I should have held my head a little straighter to get the full "American Gothic" look down in this photo. I should add that one of my major goals for Xanga in 2008 was to talk to Xangans without using Xanga. That is, to talk via AIM, e-mail, video, and phone and to actually meet in person. I actually did accomplish that, so I am pleased. If you ever want to talk via AIM or e-mail, just ask; the worst that can happen is that I'm too busy.FYI, posting will be limited while I work through some real-life issues and business. In the meantime, please check out Maesworld, a talented new blogger worth reading, and on occasion I'll be recommending more excellent Xangan writers who deserve your attention.
EDIT: Oh, and I have Skype now too (as of a day ago), although I wouldn't want to talk to complete strangers there for the first time.
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