February 22, 2023

  • On Podcasts for Low Value Men

    I've been musing about the High-Value jargon lately, and what it would be like to produce content for Low-Value men.

    I will remark that my own measurement for when I truly was Low-Value was rarely quite right. Grad school me? No style, but elite creativity and banter. On the other hand, 31-32 year old me was perhaps peak in money and societal value, but I didn't like living in that guy's body as much as society may have thought I should have. You get the idea.

    However, HOWEVAH, I think it's important for men worried that they are experiencing Low-Valueness to be willing to walk back within themselves and stay there for a little while. Because too often, a man wants to perform Value-Checks in the outside world, and use those as a measure of one's value. Even if some of those Value-Checks get cashed, the man is sliding towards a Producer, Praise, or Playboy mindset as a way to generate value.

     I think that we men often mistake noise (as in Signal to Noise Ratio noise) as value. And that we mistake the quiet as a sense of lost value. But Value is not measured in DM's or comments or likes, nor in attention per se. Visibility is, but Value is not.

    Look, the strong silent type is dead for a good reason. But somehow we men replaced him with the weak loud type, shooting off blanks wildly in all directions hoping for a hit. Spray and Pray, Announce and Pounce, etc. And mind you, I refuse to recuse myself from judgment at this sort of trial.

    One of my few abilities is that I do eventually learn from my mistakes, and regroup and reform. But as I age, I think I'm less willing to sit at my own bonfire and watch my illusions burn in order to create better ones. So I think it's particularly important to practice these inward journeys, in a safe way that protects against sudden downward spirals, of course

Comments (2)

  • This general philosophy reminds me of the idea that the win doesn't happen in the arena, it happens in training camp during the preceding months and years. People have to be willing to do the work to get the results they want. In ironic addition, the focus on the results is what prevents them from having the results and the focus on the work, which would directly lead to the results, makes the results much less relevant.

    • I think I see what you're saying, are you saying that thinking about the results ruins the work, or that one should not think of the results at all and only think of the work?

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