December 31, 2023

  • Turning Points and Sighting the Hind

    2023 was a noisy year, a year with a fair amount of new projects and new efforts. I tried new things at work, I took a trip back to Greece, and I got into teaching a few new topics that I had yet to cover before. But the strange part is that I can't truly think of any deep changes due to the decisions of 2023. At least not yet.

    Because, here's the interesting dilemma with Hindsight. (By the way, what animal do you think a Hind is? Quick, try to remember, I'll tell you at the end). You do have to be far enough away from the decisions and details to have 20-20 vision. Right now, the events of 2023 seem to be kind of a wash.

    For example, I bought a slightly newer used car to replace my car that already had 175000 miles on it. Functionally, nothing big has changed: I'm still driving a car with over 125000 miles on it. The whole process seemed quite major and daunting: I went shopping to at least four car dealerships, paid quite a bit in car repairs, etc. But now, I'm just back to the same state of driving an older but still functional car.

    So I'm at a funny spot in that, in some ways it looks like nothing has changed, but it feels like something has changed. I feel a certain restlessness returning which normally results in me making real changes to my life. I think something changed in 2023, but it could be anything from a decline in health to an improvement in creativity. So I can't quite determine what New Year's Resolution I want until I figure out what I need to change, but I don't know what HAS changed. Make sense?

    *Hind is a female deer, specifically a red deer.

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